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강좌 개요

  • 타입 MOOC 강좌
  • 기간 상시 수강
  • 학습시간 자유롭게 학습
  • 수강 승인 방식 자동 승인
  • 수료증 온라인 발급
좋아요 17 수강생 137

교수자 소개

  • 허윤현 교수

    2002.09 - 2007.02 Ph.D. in Molecular Cell Biology, 
    광주과학기술원, 생명과학과
    2001.03 - 2002.08 M.S. in Molecular Cell Biology, 
    광주과학기술원, 생명과학과
    1996.03 - 2000.02 B.S. in Genetic Engineering, 
    성균관대학교, 생명자원과학부 (유전공학과)


  1. 1주차. Introduction
    1. Life
    1. Levels of Organization
    1. Organ System
  2. 2주차. Nervous systsem-I
    1. Neuron
    1. CNS and PNS
    1. Brain
  3. 3주차. Nervous systsem-II
    1. Principles of membrane potential
    1. Resting membrane potential
    1. Action potential
  4. 4주차. Muscular system
    1. Structure of muscle
    1. Muscle contraction
    1. Function of muscle
  5. 5주차. Skeletal system and Learning and memory
    1. Organization of skeletal system
    1. Bone formation
    1. Learning and memory
  6. 6주차. Circulatory system
    1. Blood
    1. Heart
    1. Blood vessels
  7. 7주차. Excretory system
    1. Water and salt balance
    1. Kidney
    1. Regulation of kidney function
  8. 8주차. Respiratory system
    1. Principles of respiration
    1. Lung
    1. Regulation of gas exchange
  9. 9주차. Digestive system
    1. Nutrition
    1. Digestive Organs
    1. Regulation of Digestion
  10. 10주차. Endocrine system
    1. Hormones
    1. Links between the endocrine and nervous system
    1. Hormonal control of metabolism and energy balance
  11. 11주차. Homeostasis
    1. energy balance
    1. Nutrient and energy balance
    1. Regulation of energy banlance and body temperature
  12. 12주차. Reproductive system
    1. Gametogenesis
    1. Reproductive structure and function
    1. Pregancy and birth
  13. 13주차. Immune system-I : Innate immunity
    1. Innate immunity
    1. PAMP and PRR
    1. Acquired immunity
  14. 14주차. Immune system-II : Acquired immunity
    1. Diversity of Antibodies
    1. Immunological memory and tolerance
    1. Bio artificial organs